Selected Publications of Nikolai Dobrev
- Frangov, G., P.Ivanov,
N.Dobrev & I.Iliev. 1992. Stability problems of the rock monument "Madara horseman". In:
Proc. of the 7th Int. Congr. on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, Lisboa, Portugal, 1425-1435.
- Tsenkov, Ts. & N.Dobreff. 1993. Statistical assessment of contemporary movements of the Earth's crust and landslides.
In: Proc. of the 7th Int. Conf. on Landslides, Bratislava, Slovakia, 185-190.
- Iliev-Broutchev, I. (ed.),G.Frangov, N.Dobrev, P.Ivanov, D.Evstatiev,
A.Bozhinova, D.Karastanev, K.Todorov, R.Angelova, B.Ranguelov, J.Karagyuleva, P.Petrov, G.Alexiev, Ch.Mladenov, B.Manchev, D.Boykov & P.Mechkarski.
1994. Map of the Geological Hazards in Bulgaria. Scale 1: 500,000 and Explanatory Text. Military Topographic Service, Troyan
and Publ. House of Bulg. Acad. Sci., Sofia (in Bulgarian, English Summary).
- Koleva-Rekalova,E., N.Dobrev,P.Ivanov.
1996. Earthflows in the Baltchik landslide area, North-eastern Bulgaria. In: Proc. of the 7th Int. Symp. on Landslides,Trondheim, Norway, 473-478.
- Frangov, G., P.Ivanov
& N.Dobrev. 1996. Hazard evaluation of origin and activation of deep landslides in Bulgaria. In: Proc. of the 7th Int. Symp. on Landslides, Trondheim, Norway, 1903-1908.
- Dobrev, N. & E. Avramova-Tacheva. 1997. Analysis and prognostication of monitored rock deformations. Proc. IAEG Conference, Athens
1997, Balkema, Rotterdam, 613-618.
- Kostak, B., N.Dobrev, P.Zika & P.Ivanov. 1998. Joint monitoring on a rock face bearing an historical bas-relief.
Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology, Vol. 31, No.1, 37-46.
- Dobrev, N. 1997. The landslides in the Simitli kettle. Eng.Geology and Hydrogeology, 24, Sofia (in Bulgarian, English Abstract).
- Avramova-Tacheva, E., B.Kostak, N.Dobrev. 1998. Present dynamics of a landslide process in the Black Sea
coast region north of Varna (Bulgaria). - Acta Montana, IRSM AS CR, Prague, Series A No.12(107), 5-15.
- Dobrev, N. & A.Boykova.1998. Landslide hazard assessment in tectonic active grabens. In: Proc.
of the 8th Congress IAEG, Vancouver, Canada, 2107-2112.
- Dobrev, N. & E.Avramova-Tacheva. 1999. Seismogenic terrain deformations in the Simitli graben. In: Proc.
of Symp. "Geodynamic investigations connected with the earthquakes in Krupnik-Kresna region (1904)", Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria,
27-28 April 1999, 137-146 (in Bulgarian).
- Sasaki, Y., N. D. Dobrev, S. Shinagawa, T. Ohtani. 2001. Where do shallow landslides occur from - a case of the 1999 Hiroshima Rainstorm. Proc. of the Japan Society of Engineering Geology Meeting, Koriyama, 31.10-01.11.2001. 259-262 (in Japanese)
- Sasaki, Y., N.D.Dobrev, Y.Wakizaka. 2002. The detailed hazard map of road slopes in Japan. Proc. Int. Geotechnical Conf. “Instability - Planning & Management”, May 20-23, 2002, Ventnor, Isle of Wight, UK.
- Dobrev, N.D., Y. Sasaki, Y. Wakizaka. 2002. Granite outcrop classification by the state of weathering: A case study of Iwaki City. Proc. of the Japan Society of Engineering Geology Meeting, Takamatsu, 31.10-01.11.2002. 339-342.
- Dobrev, N., R.Varbanov, M.Matova, G.Frangov, G.Drakatos, B.Kost’ak. 2005. First steps for monitoring on possibly active fault zone in East Rhodopes, Bulgaria. Acta geodynamica et geomaterialia, Prague, Vol.2, No.1 (137), 7-12.
- Dobrev, N., I.Georgiev, B.Kostak. 2005. Extensometric and GPS monitoring of recent tectonic movements in the Simitli graben, SW Bulgaria, Geodesy, BAS, 17, 98-107
- Glavcheva, R., N.Dobrev, K.Hadjiiski, S.Dimitrova, B.Ranguelov. 2006. 2006 Earthquake Activity in Eastern Rhodopes and Some Generalization on Geological Features in the Region, Proc. Nat. Conf. GEOSCIENCES 2006, Sofia, 315-318.
- Dobrev N., P.Petrov. 2006. Terrain Effects Caused by 1904 Krupnik Earthquake. - In: Proc. of International Project "Seismo-Hydrogeological Vulnerability of the Environment and Society in the Balkan Region", Second Meeting, 22-26 November 2006, Sofia.
- Dobrev N., E.Avramova-Tacheva. 2007. 3D Monitoring of active faults and slope movements in Bulgaria included in COST 625 Project. Acta geodynamica et geomaterialia, Prague, vol.4, 1(145), 39-51.
- Kost’ak, B., S. Cacon , N. D. Dobrev , E. Avramova-Taceva , E. Fecker , J. Kopecky , L. Petro , R. Schweitzer and A. A. Nikonov . 2007. Observations of tectonic microdisplacements in Europe in relation to the Iran 1997 and Turkey 1999 earthquakes . Izvestiya Physics of the Solid Earth, Springer, Moscow, Vol. 43, no. 6, 503-516.
- Dobrev N., E.Avramova-Tacheva. 2007. 3D Monitoring of active faults and slope movements in Bulgaria included in COST 625 Project. Acta geodynamica et geomaterialia, Prague, Vol. 4, No. 1 (145), 39-51.
- Bruchev I., P.Ivanov, G. Frangov, R. Varbanov, N.Dobrev, B. Berov, R.Nankin, M. Krastanov. 2007. The Landslides In Bulgaria - Factors And Distribution, Geologica Balcanica, 3-12.
- Avramova-Tacheva E., N. Dobrev. 2007. On the application of 3D monitoring methods of active fault and gravitational movements in Bulgaria. Geologica Balcanica, 13-20.
- Dobrev N., R. Glavcheva, B. Ranguelov, S. Dimitrova, K. Hadjiiski. 2007. Analysis of the seismicity and engineering-geological conditions of the epicentral zone of 2006, February 20 Earthquake, Murgovo Village, Kardzhali District. - Rev. Bulg. Geol. Soc., 68, 1-3, 121-130. (in Bulgarian)
- Dobrev, N. 2008. Faulting and rock deformations established at the ruins of Perperikon and related to the recent seismic activity. Int. Conf. Geoarchaeology and Archaeomineralogy, Sofia, 29-31 Oct., 295-298
- Dobrev., N., E. Avramova-Tacheva, B. Kostak.2008. The monitoring of cracks affecting the Madara Horseman bas-relief. Int. Conf. Geoarchaeology and Archaeomineralogy, Sofia, 29-31 Oct., 385-390.
Last modified: 13 April 2009
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