2005- to present - Assistant in Geological Institute, BAS;
2002-2005 - GeoHydroConsult
.Main fields of geological interests and research activities: Slope stability, Landslides, Rock deformations, Geological hazards, Engineering Geology, Hydrogeology
Selected Recent Publications:
Бручев Ил., Н. Добрев, Г. Франгов, Р. Върбанов, Пл. Иванов, Б. Беров, М. Кръстанов, Р. Нанкин. 2007. Национална програма (2007-2015 г.) за овладяване на свлачищата в частта й за Родопите. - Сп. Строителство, 2-6.
Bruchev I., P.Ivanov, G. Frangov, R. Varbanov, N.Dobrev, B. Berov, R.Nankin, M. Krastanov. 2007. The Landslides In Bulgaria - Factors And Distribution, Geologica Balcanica, 36, 3-4, 3-12.
Добрев Н., М. Кръстанов, Р Нанкин, 2007г. Мониторинг на свлачището при с. Генерал Гешево, Кърджалийска област, Сп. Строителство 5, с. 6-11.
Gerginov P., M. Krastanov. 2007. Evaluation of the contamination in shallow aquifers caused by industrial activity, Geologica Balcanica, 37. 1-2, Sofia, Iun. 2008, p. 85-90.
Frangov, G., M. Krastanov, R. Varbanov. 2009. Complex Engineering Geological Conditions for Civil Construction in the Rhodope Mountain (Bulgaria). - Proc. of the 17 Int. Conf. on SMFE, Vol. 1, 749-752, 05-09.10.2009, Alexandria, Egypt.
Frangov, G., Ivan Deyanov, Tsenko Tsenkov, Margarita Hamova, Hristina Zayakova, Miroslav Krastanov, Andrej Mihailov. 2010. Monitoring on the Ezerishte Landslide in the town of Svoge, Bulgaria. From Research to Design in European Practice, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, June 2 - 4, 2010
Krastanov, M., Zlatka Milakovska, 2010, Physico-mechanical properties of the zeolite and epiclastic rocks in the area of General Geshevo landslide (East Rhodopes, Bulgaria), 8th International Conference on the Occurrences, Properties and Utilization of Natural Zeolites, Zeolite 2010, 10-18 July 2010, Sofia, Bulgaria.