60th Anniversary of the Geological Institute
Academicians and Corresponding Members Bulgarian Academy of Science

Prof. Ilia G.Iliev-Broutchev

Senior Research Associated-Professor (retired)
Corresponding Member of BAS - since 1995
Academician of the BAS - since 2009

Department of Geohazards , Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
Acad.G.Bonchev Str., bl.24, 1113 Sofia, BULGARIA
Office phone: (+0359 2) 979 2243
Fax: (+0359 2)718148

B.Sc. Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 1956
Ph.D., Engineering Geology, 1970
D.Sc., Engineering Geology, 1984

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Last modified:November 12, 2009

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