Publications in the period 1967 - 1996:

Minkov, M., D. Evstatiev. 1962. Investigations on the permeability on the loess in North Bulgaria. - Bulletin of the Geological Institute of the Bulg. Acad. Sci., 11, 203 - 221. (In Bulgarian)
Evstatiev, D., L. Ilieva. 1964. Stabillizzazione di argille grasse per i sottofondi delle linee di transporto in miniere a cielo aperto.Geotåcnica, 3, 6 p.
Evstatiev, E. 1965. Investigations on stabilisation of the loess wite Portland-cement. - Proc. on the geology of Bulgaria. Series Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, vol IV,131 - 153.(In Bulgarian)
Evstatiev, D.,N. Solomchenco,N. Serb-Serbina, P. A. Rebinder. 1967. On the mechanism of structure formation in lime-clay minerals mixtures. Colloid Journal of USSR, vol. 29, 5, 486 - 490.
Alexiev, Al., D. Evstatiev. 1967. On a time - resistent compaction weakness of à loess mass. Proc. on the geology of Bulgaria. Series Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, vol. XVII-XVIII 77-81.
Minkov, M., D. Evstatiev. 1970. Revetment de sol-ciment des reservoires de compensation. En: Premier Congres Internat. de Geologie de l'Ingenieur,Paris, Franse, 8 - 11, p. 636 - 642.
Minkov, M., D. Evstatiev. 1970. Discution on the paper " Mixing-in-plase soil and portland cement" by L. I. Sherard , Journal of the Soil Mech. and Found. Div., SM 5, 1821- 1822.
Evstatiev, D. 1973. Engineering properties of compacted fly ash. Discussion on the paper by D. H. Gray and I. K. Lin. - Journal of the Soil Mech. and Found. Div., SM 2, 221 - 228.
Evstatiev, D. 1973. Some relationships between strength parameters of loess-cement mixis. Bulletin of the Geological Institute. Series Engineering geology and Hidrogeology, vol. XXI - XXII, 87 - 101.
Minkov, M., D.Evstatiev. 1973. Foundation work of the NPP of Kozloduy on collapsible loess by soil-cement cushion . Journal of hydrotechnics, 1, 15 -17. (In Bulgarian).
Minkov, M., D.Evstatiev. 1975. Foundations, revetments and screens by stabilized loess. Publ. house Technica, 189 p. ( Monograph in Bulgarian)
Minkov, M., D. Evstatiev. P. Karatschorov, P. Donchev. 1976. Neue moglichkeiten zur grundung vielstocklger bauten in sackhgsfahigen ( loss )boden von grosser mahtigkei. In: Proc. 5th Conf. on Soil Mech. and Found.Engng. Budapest, 379 - 388.
Minkov, M., D. Evstatiev. 1977. The loess as a structurally complex formation. In: Internat. simp. on the geotechnics of structurally complex formations, Capri, Italy, 2, 122 - 126.
Minkov, M., D. Evstatiev, P. Donchev. 1977. Deep compaction of unstable foundation bases. In: Simp. on the geotechnics of structurally complex formations, Capri, Italy, 2, 369 - 371.
Minkov, M., D. Evstatiev, Al. Alexiev, P. Donchev. 1977. Deformation properties of Bulgarian loess soils. In: Proc. IX Intern. Conf. Soil Mech.and Found. Engng., Tokyo, 215 - 218.
Minkov, M., D. Evstatiev. G. Stefanoff, P. Donchev. I. Krastilov. Al.Alexiev. 1979. On the predicted and real behaviour of loess foundation. In:Seventh Europian Conf. Soil Mech. and Found.,Brighton, England, vol. 1, 53- 56.
Minkov, M., D. Evstatiev. 1979. On the seismic behavior of loess soil foundations. - In. 2 nd US National Conf. on Earthquake Engineering,Stanford, University, 988 - 996.
Minkov, M., D. Evstatiev, P. Donchev. 1980. Dynamic compaction of loess. In:Internat. Conf. on Compaction, Paris, France, 345 - 349.
Rizzo, V., D. Evstatiev. 1982. I fattori geologici nello studio degli eventi storici nella parte ovest del Mar Nero, CNR, Geodata 22, Testo dell'intervento al Convengo di Balcik, 6 - 7 Agosto, 1982.
Minkov, M., D. Evstatiev, I. Iliev, K. Anguelov. 1982. History and problems of engineering geology in Bulgaria. In: Proc. VI Congress IAEG, New Delhi,vol. VIII, themes 6 and 7, 311 - 325.
Evstatiev, D., K. Todorov. 1983. Microstructural investigation of cement-lagooned ash mixtures. - In: 8th Europian Conf. Soil Mech. Foud.Eng., Helzinki, vol.2, 7.7, 763 - 766.
Evstatiev, D. 1984. The strength formation in soil-cement. Publ. house of Bulg. Acad. Sci, 94 p.(In Bulgarian with summary in English)
Evstatiev, D., V. Rizzo. 1984. Sull'origine ed evoluzione delle frane nella zona di Balchik sul Mar Nero ( Bulgaria ). - Geologia Applicata e Idrogeologia, vol. XIX, 289 - 305.
Minkov, M., G. Stefanoff,D. Evstatiev, J. Jelev, P. Donchev.1985. Geotechnical problems of the Bulgarian Loess Soils. In: Proc. of the Eleventh Internat. Conf. Soil Mech. Foud. Engng.,San Francisco, 12 - 16,August, 9/c/13, 2435 - 2442.
Evstatiev, D., G. Milev, P. Karachorov. 1985. Settlements of TV tower on stabilized loess. - In: Proc. 11th Int. Conf. Soil Mech. Foud. Engng. San Francisco, 2D, 1127 - 1128.
Evstatiev, D.,R. Angelova. 1985. Texture and geological-engineering conditions of the valley of Provadiiska river from Devnia to Varna. In:Paleoecology and Paleohidrology of the Balkan Peninsula and Adjacent Areas,Simposium, Varna, 29.IX - 4.X.1985.
Brandl, H., D. Evstatiev, A. Lutenegger. 1985. Report of discussion, Session 5B: Earth strengthening. Proc. Eleventh Internat. Conf. Soil Mech. Foud.Engng., San Francisco.
Todorov, Kr., D. Evstatiev, P. Slavov. 1986. Investigating lagooned ash utilization in road construction. In: Proc. Fifth Internat. Congress IAEG,20 - 25 oct. 1986, Buenos Aires, vol. 5, 1693 -1696.
Evstatiev, D., G. Manov. 1988. Engineering geological characteristics of the Varna lakes valley. Publ. house of the Bulg. Acad. Sci. 122 pp. ( InBulgarian, summary in English)
Evstatiev, D., R. Rashev.1988. Engineering Geological Conditions of the Earliest Bulgarian Capitals of Pliska and Preslav. In: Engineering Geology of Ancient Works, Monument and Historical Sites, Athens, 19 - 22 Septem.1988, Balkema, Roterdam, 1679 - 1685.
Evstatiev, D. 1988. Loess Improvement Metods. - Egineering Geology, 25,31- 366.
Todorov, K., D. Evstatiev. 1990. Strength formation of stabilized ashes. In Proc. of the 6th Internat. IAEG Congres, Amsterdam, 6 - 10 August, 1990,Balkema, Roterdam, 3203 - 3208.
Angelova, R., D. Evstatiev. 1990. Strength gain stages of soil-sement. - In:Proc. of the 6th Internat. IAEG Congres Amsterdam, 6 - 10 August, 1990,Balkema/Roterdam, 3147 - 3154.
Evstatiev, D.,B. Vuchev.1994. Radioactive wastes management Application of AHP. Session W2A. Third International Simposium of the Analitic Hierarchy Proces. George Washington University, Washington D. C. July, 11 - 13, 94.
Evstatiev, D., R. Angelova. D. Karastanev. 1995. Stabilization of weak railway embankment by lime columns and lime cushion. In: Proceedings of the 10th Danube- European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Mamaia, Romania, vol. 1, 75 -80.
Evstatiev, D. 1995. Design and treatment as loess bases in Bulgaria. In:Genesis and properties of collapsible soils, Edited by Ed. Derbyshire ( Ed.- in - Chief), T. Dijkastra, J. Smalley, NATO ASI Series C: Matematical and Physical Scienses vol. 468, Kluwer Akad. Publishers, 375 - 382.
Evstatiev, D.,D. Kozhukharov.1996. Geological formations in Bulgaria suitable for HLW repository. - International workshop meeting. Nuclear waste disposal in Russia, 22 - 27.June, Krasnoyarsk, Abstract. Krasnoyarsk Environmental Movement, 207 - 208.

Select Recent Publications:

Evstatiev, D., P. Petrov, R. Angelova, D. Karastanev.1994. Geoenviromental assesment of radioactive waste repository. In: Proc. of the 7th IAEG Congress, Lisboa, Portugal, 5 - 9 September,Balkema/Roterdam

Todorov. K., D. Evstatiev. 1994. Geotechnical Study of Lagooned Ashes in Bulgaria. Sofia. Publ. House of the BAS, 122 p.
Evstatiev, D., R. Angelova. D. Karastanev. 1995. Stabilization of weak railway embankment by lime columns and lime cushion. In: Proceedings of the10th Danube- European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Mamaia, Romania, vol. 1, 75 -80.
Evstatiev, D. 1995. Design and treatment as loess bases in Bulgaria. In:Genesis and properties of collapsible soils, Edited by Ed. Derbyshire ( Ed.- in -Chiev), T. Dijkastra, J. Smalley, NATO ASI Series C: Matematical and Physical Scienses vol. 468, Kluwer Akad. Publishers, 375 - 382.
Evstatiev, D., D. Kozukharov. 1996. Geological formations in Bulgaria suitable for HLW repository. - International workshop meeting. Nuclear waste disposal in Russia, 22 - 27.June, Krasnoyarsk, Abstract. Krasnoyarsk Environmental Movement, 207 - 208.

List of selected publications in the period 1997-2005

Evstatiev, D., P. Karachorov, J. Evlogiev. 1997. Behaviour of underground structures in wetted loess. Proc. of Bulgarian-Japaneese Seminar “Geotechnics of soft soils”, 27 March 1997, Sofia, 73-85.
Varbanov, R., D. Evstatiev, V. Georgiev.1997. Geotechnical characteristics of Black Sea soft soils. Proc. of Bulgarian-Japaneese Seminar “Geotechnics of soft soils”, 27 March 1997, Sofia, 103-116.
Evstatiev, D., P. Karachorov, I. Evlogiev. 1997. Hazards related with underground structures in collapsible loess. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Engineering Geology and the Environment, organized by the Greek national group of AEG, Athens,Greece, 23-27 June 1997, 619-624.
Todorov, K., D. Evstatiev, R. Angelova. 1997. Industrial waste storage in Bulgaria. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Engineering Geology and the Environment, organized by the Greek national group of AEG, Athens, Greece, 23-27 June, 1997, 2225-2228.
Evstatiev, D., R. Angelova. 1997. Preliminary options for radioactive waste disposal in Bulgaria. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Engineering Geology and the Environment, organized by the Greek National group of AEG, Athens, Greece, 23-27 June, 1997,1823-1828.
Evstatiev, D., P. Karachorov, I. Evlogiev. 1997. Hazards related with underground structures in collapsible loess. Loess Letter, 38, October 1997, 5-9.
Evstatiev, D., D. Kozhoukharov.1998. Geological formation in Bulgaria suitable for a deep HLW repository. In: Defence Nuclear Waste Disposal in Russia: International Perspective. Edited by: M.J. Stenhouse and V.I. Kirko. NATO ASI Series. Disarmament Technologies-Vol. 18, Kluver Academic Publishers,121-134
Evstatiev, D., R. Angelova, J. Evlogiev. 1998. Characteristiñs of loess as host media for radioactive waste disposal. In: Proc. of 8th Int. Congress IAEG, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 21-25 September, Balkema/Rotterdam, vol. 6,
Evstatiev, B. Vachev, R. Angelova, D. Karastanev. 1998. System analysis for low and intermediate level radioactive waste repository. Review of the Bulgarian Geological Society, vol. 59, part 1, p. 83-91
Evstatiev, D., Hr. Hrischev, D. Karastanev, Eds. 2000. Belene NPP. Additional geological investigations. Marin Drinov Acad. Publ. House, 120 p.
Evstatiev, D., D. Kozhukharov. 2000. Geological setting of the Novi Han radioactive waste storage site. International workshop “Experiånce in the upgrading of Novi Han Radioactive waste repository”, 27-30 November, 2000, Borovetz, Bulgaria
Evstatiev, D., D. Kozhukharov. 2001. Current status of the site selection for RAW disposal in Bulgaria In: “Geological Challenges in Radioactive Waste Isolation”. Third Worldwide Review. Summaries. April 27-28, Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 9.
Evstatiev, D., D. Karastanev, R. Angelova, I. Jefferson. 2002. Improvement of Collapsible Loess Soils from Eastern Europe: lessons from Bulgaria. - In: Proc. 4th Intern. Conf. on Ground Improvement Techniques, Kuala Lumpur, March, Malaysia, 331-339.
Åvstatiev, D., D. Kozhukharov. 2002. Current Status of the Site Selection for RAW Disposal in Bulgaria. - Third Worldwide Review ‘Geological Challenges in Radioactive Waste Isolation’ Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, California, USA, 55-67.
Jefferson, I., I. Smalley, D. Karastanev, D. Evstatiev. 2002. Comparison of the Behaviour of British and Bulgarian Loess. - In: van Rooy, J. L. and Jeremy, C. A. (Eds.) Proc. of the 9th Congress of the International Association of Engineering Geology and the Environment, Durban, 16-20 September, South Africa, ISBN 0-62028-5591, 253-263.
Jefferson, I. F., D. Evstatiev, D. Karastanev, N.G. Mavlianova, I.J. Smalley. 2003. Engineering geology of loess and loess - like deposits: a commentary on the Russian literature. - Engineering Geology, 68, 333-351
Åvstatiev, D., D. Kozhukharov, D. Karastanev. 2003. Possibilities for geological disposal of high level radioacctive wastes in Bulgaria. International conference “Radioactive waste and spent fuel management”. Abstracts. 6-8 November, 2003, Plovdiv
Karastanev, D., D. Evstatiev, D. Kozhukharov.2004. Current status of the site selection for NPP radioactive waste disposal in Bulgaria. BgNS Transactions. International conference “New Nuclear Power in Bulgaria” 23-25 September 2004, Grand Hotel Sofia, Abstracts, 11-12.
Petkov, Ts., D. Evstatiev.2004. Characteristics and suitability of the geological medium for building of the Belene NPP. International conference “New Nuclear Power in Bulgaria” 23-25 September 2004, Grand Hotel Sofia, Abstracts, 10-11.
Evstatiev, D., D. Gergova, B. Vachev. 2004. Archaeological and geological analogues for the safety assessment of radioactive waste repositories. International symposium INSINUME 2004. In situ nuclear metrology as a tool of radioecology. Radioprotection of the environment. Book of abstracts. Albena 27-30 September 2004, 18.
Evstatiev, D., D. Antonov. 2005. Loess collapsibility problem in Bulgaria. International symposium on latest natural disasters - new challenges for engineering geology, geotechnics and civil protection. September 5-8, 2005, Sofia Bulgaria. Ïúëíèÿò òåêñò íà äîêëàäà å îòïå÷àòàí íà êîìïàêò äèñê, à ðåçþìåòo â Abstract Book, p.30.
Gergova, D., D. Evstatiev, V. Rizzo. 2005. Geoarchaelogical characteristics of the Thracian tumuli in Bulgaria. Õåëèñ ²V. Èçñëåäâàíèÿ, ðåçóëòàòè è ïðîáëåìè â “Ñáîðÿíîâî”,Helis IV. Investigations, Results and Problems in “Sborianovo”, Sofia, 2005, Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House, 156-168.

Last update: 24.02.2006
