Dr. Marlena Yaneva Associate Professor, Ph.D.
1113 Sofia |
Sedimentology, Sedimentary petrology, Clastic rocks, Facies analysis, Basin evolution, Lacustrine sediments, Continental Basins, Paleogeography, Fluvial systems, Neogene, Quaternary, Active faults, Paleoseismology.
Yaneva, M., A. Mitev, N. Ognjanova-Rumenova. 2D resistyvity survey for delineation of diatomite bodies: a case study of Gotse Delchev basin, SW Bulgaria. Neogene from the Central and SE Europe - the 4th International workshop, Banska Bistrica, Slovakia, Sep. 12-16, 2011. 50-51. ISBN 978-80-557-0216-2
Radulov, A., T. Dilov, M. Yaneva, N. Nikolov, K. Kostov, V.Nikolov. Seismic faults in the Sofia Basin.- "GEOSCIENCES 2011" - Proceedings, Sofia,8-9 XII, 2011. 99-100. ISSN 1313-2373
Yaneva, M., Ognjanova-Rumenova. 2010. Lom coal Basin (NW Bulgaria)- preliminary data on palaeoecology and sedimentology Geologica Balc. 39. 1-2. XIX Congress CBGA 2010, 23-26 Sep. Thesaloniki, Greece, 415-416, ISSN 0324-0894.
Yaneva, M., Ognjanova-Rumenova, S.Shanov, G. Nikolov, N. Nikolov. 2010. Characteristic and distribution of coal-bearing sediments in Lom Depression Proceedings of national conference with international participation “Geosciences 2010”, 85-86. ISSN 1313-2377.
Platon Tchoumatchenco, Marlena Yaneva, Dimiter Tronkov. 2009. The Kotel Formation (Middle Jurassic) in East Stara Planina Mountains ( East Bulgaria ). Lithostratigraphy and Palaeogeography Platon Tchoumatchenco, Dimiter Tronkov, Marlena Yaneva, Alfred Uchman.2009. Dropla Member - A New Lithostratigraphic Unit of the Sinivir Formation (Middle Norian-Lower Toarcian, Eastern Stara Planina Mts.) and the Palaeogeography during the Pliensbachian in East Bulgaria 2008 Tchoumatcenco, P., M. Yaneva. 2008. Debelets Member - a new lithostratigraphic unit of the Balaban Formation (Toarcian, Lower Jurassic, Eastern Srara Planina mts.), East Bulgaria. - Comp. rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci., ISSN 1310-1331, 61, 4, 487-494.
Tchoumatcenco, P., M. Philippe, M. Yaneva. 2008. Did glaciation occur during Toarcian (Early Jurassic), Eastern Srara Planina Mts., (East Bulgaria). - Comp. rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci., ISSN 1310-1331, 61, 10, 1301-1308
2007 Ognjanova-Rumenova, N., M. Yaneva, I. Botev. 2007. Palaeoecological development of the Sofia Neogene Basin (Southwestern Bulgaria) based on sedimentological and palaeontological evidences .- Geologica Carpathica, 59, 1, 59-70.
Boncheva, I., V. Sachanski, I. Lakova, M. Yaneva. 2007. Facial transition and biostratigraphic correlations of the Upper Silurian and Lower Devonian in West Bulgaria. Geological Quarterly, 51 (4): 407-418
Stefanov, Y., Chatalov, A., Yaneva, M. 2007. Petrographic composition and provenance analysis of thr Paleogene clastic rocks from the Padesh Basin. I. . Petrographic composition of clastic rocks. - Ann. Univer. Sofia, Faculte de Geology et Geography, 1, Geology, 100, 283-335 (in Bulgarian, English abstr.).
Shanov S., Sanz de Galdeano C., Galindo-Zaldivar J., Radulov A., Nikolov G., Azanon J.M., Yaneva M., 2007. Late Alpine deformations, Neotectonic evolution and Active tectonics of the southern border of Central Balkan Mountain: a new contribution. Geologica Balcanica, ISSN 0324-0894, 36., 3-4.
Ognyanova-Rumenova, N., M. Yaneva, G. Nikolov. 2007. Neogene lacustrine basins in SW Bulgaria - biostratigraphy, palaeoecology and diatom relationships - Geologica Balcanica, 36, 3-4: 59-64.
2006 Tchoumatchenco, P., Yaneva, M., Uchman, A., Tronkov, D., Trifonova, E., Petrunova, L. 2006. Ichno- and body- fossils from Upper Triassic-Lower Jurassic Sinivir Formation in the Balaban Dere valley (East Stara Planina Mts, East Bulgaria) and the problem of Triassic/Jurassic boundary. - Acta Paleontologica Romaniae, vol. 5; 463-475. Radulov, A. M. Yaneva. 2006. Rupture model in a relay ramp – Chirpan Fault, Southern Bulgaria. – Comp. Rend. Acad.bulg. Sci., 59, 7, 759-766. Yaneva, M. 2006. Comperative sedimentologic characteristics of young sediments (Pliocene-Holocene) disturbed by Chirpan fault- Rev. Bul. Geol. Soc., 67, 1-3, 41-49. Tchoumatchenco, P., Yaneva, M., Petrunova, L. 2006. Òhe Triassic and Jurassic of East Stara planina (Bulgaria), Tulcea zone (North Dobrogea, Romania) and South Crimea (Gornuy Krim) (Ukraine) – a complex geosites framework? – In: ProGEO Symposium “Safeguarding our geological heritage”, Kyiv, Ukraine, 4-8 September. Yaneva, M., M. Lazarova. 2006. Sedimentological and palinological data about young sediments from the Chirpan – Cherna Gora district. – In: “GEOSCIENCES 2006" – Proc., 45-48. Radulov, A., C. Sanz de Galdeano, M. Yaneva, J.M. Azanon, J. Galindo-Zaldivar. 2006. Quaternary faulting in Granada Basin, Southern Spain. – In: “GEOSCIENCES 2006" – Proc., 67-70. Radulov, A., K. Vanneste, K. Verbeeck, M. Yaneva, T. Petermans, T. Camelbeeck, S. Shanov. 2006. Paleoearthquake correlation in three trenches along Orizovo – Chirpan active fault segment. – In: “GEOSCIENCES 2006" – Proc., 71-74.
2005 Tchoumatchenco, P., Yaneva, M., Koleva-Rekalova, E., Stoykova, K., Ivanova, D. 2005. Jurassic stratigraphy of the section Staro selo, Pernik district, southwestern Bulgaria. Geol. Balc., 35, 1-2 39-61. Yaneva, M. 2005. Triassic-Jurassic siliciclastic rocks from Louda Kamchia part of East Stara Planina Mountain. C. R. Acad. Bulg. Sci, 58, 8, 947-952.
2004 Budurov, K., Ivanova, D., Koleva-Rekalova E., Petrunova, L., Tchoumatchenco, P., Yaneva M., Zagortcev, I. 2004. The Eastern Stara planina Mts. (Triassic and Jurassic): an example of geosite framework. - In: Geological heritage concept, conservation and protection policy in Central Europe, Warszawa-Krakow, Polish Geological Institute, special pappers 13, 199-208. Yaneva, M. 2004. Assosociations of heavy minerals in Neogene Sandanski and Strumeshnitsa Grabens, South-West Bulgaria. - C. R. Acad. Bulg. Sci, 57, 4, 49-54. Ðàäóëîâ, À., Âàíåñòå, Ê., Âåðáåê, Ê., Øàíîâ, Ò., Êàìåëáåê, Ò., ßíåâà, Ì. 2004. Ïðåäèøíà ñåèçìè÷íîñò íà ðàçëîìà, àêòèâèðàí ïðè çåìåòðåñåíèåòî íà 18 àïðèë 1928 ã. ïî äàííè îò êàíàâà äî ñ. Ïîïîâèöà, Þæíà Áúëãàðèÿ. - Ãåîë. è Ìèí. Ðåñóðñè, 6, 14-21. Budurov, K., Ivanova, D., Koleva-Rekalova, E., Petrunova, L., Tchoumachenco, P., Yaneva, M., Zagorchev, I. 2004. Triassic and Jurassic in East Stara Planina Mts (Bulgaria) and the problems of their boundary. (Eastern Bulgaria). - Proc. of the Intern. Symposium on Earth System Sciences, 2004, Istanbul, Turkey, 8-10 September, 337-344. Yaneva, M. Lazarova, M. 2004. Preliminary sedimentological and palinological studies on Quaternary deposits from paleoseismological trench Cherna gora, Chirpan district. - C. R. Acad. Bulg. Sci, 57, 11. Tchoumachenco, P., Yaneva, M., Budurov, K., Ivanova, D., Koleva-Rekalova, E., Petrunova, L., Zagorchev, I. 2004. Late Cimmerian tectonics of Triassic and Jurassic rocks from Louda Kamchia Eastern Stara Planina Mts. (Bulgaria). Proceedings of Annual Scientific Conference of the Bulg. Geol. Soc., 16-17 Dec. 2004, 89-91. Yaneva, M., Budurov, K., Ivanova, D., Koleva-Rekalova, E., Petrunova, L., Tchoumachenco, P., Zagorchev, I. 2004. Reinterpretation of depositional processes in the Sinivir Formation /Norian-Toercian (p.p)/ in Louda Kamchia Eastern Stara Planina Mts. (Bulgaria). - Proceedings of Annual Scientific Conference of the Bulg. Geol. Soc., 16-17 Dec. 2004, 103-106. 2003 Yaneva, Ì. 2003. Composition and origin of sands from Neogene Sofia Basin. – Jour. Mining & Geology, 1-2, 38-42. Boncheva, I., M. Yaneva. 2003. Light Isotope Paleothermometry of Palaeozoic Conodont Elements. Jour. Mining & Geology, 7, 39-42. Pristavova,S., Antonov, Ì., Yaneva, Ì. 2003. Petrological and structural characteristics of the low grade metamorphic rocks from the valley of river Gabrovnitsa, west Bulgaria. 50 years UMG, annual vol. 46, ², 163-170. 2002 Yaneva, M. 2002. Mineralogical and geochemical features of some fine-grained sediments from Gotse Delchev Basin, Neogene, SW Bulgaria. - C. R. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 55, 10, 61-66. Yaneva, M., Ognjanova, N., Nikolov, G. 2002. Palaeoecological evolution of Gotse Delchev Basin during the Neogene, SW Bulgaria. - In: International Science Conference in Memory of Proff. Jaranov, Varna, 8-11 Sept., 2, 36-46. M. Yaneva, B. Berov, G. Frangov. 2002. Evolution of Sofia Basin during Neogene. - Geol. Balkanica, 32, 2-4, 135-138. 2001 Ognianova-Rumenova, Yaneva, M. 2001. New data about Baldevo formation, Gotse Delchev Basin, based on sedimentological and biostratigraphical evidences. - Geol. Balc. 31, 1-2, 160-162. Yaneva, M. 2001. Terrigenous mineralogical associations in clastic rocks from Neogene Sofia Basin. - Rev. Bulg. Geol. Soc., 1-3, 25-30, (in Bulgarian, English abstract). 2000 Ognianova-Rumenova, Yaneva, M. 2000. Preliminary Data on the Palaeoecological Development of Beli Brjag Basin, SW Bulgaria. In: - 3rd National Geophysical Conference and Geological Conference, 11-13 October, Book of abstracts, 160-161. Yaneva, M. 2000. Heavy minerals in Neogene sediments from Sofia Basin, Bulgaria. In In: - 31 IGC, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 6-17, Abstract Volume, general Symposia, 3. Sedimentology, Session 3-1 Lacusrtine sediments. Yaneva, M. 2000. Composition and distribution of clays in Neogene Sofia Basin, Bulgaria. In: XVI th Conference on Clay Mineralogy and Petrology, 27-31 Aug. Carlovy Vary, Czech Republic, Book of Abstracts, 95. 1999 Yaneva, M. 1999. Upper Miocene sands from Sofia Basin, Bulgaria. In: Carpathian foredeep basin - its evolution and mineral resources, Intern. Conference, September 17-18, 1999, Krakow, Poland, Abstracts, 197-198. 1998 Angelova, D., Yneva, M. 1998. New lithostratigraphic data about the Neogene of Sofia Basin. - Rev. Bulg. Geol. Soc., 59, 2, 37-40. (in Bulgarian, English abstract).
Yaneva, M. 1998. Neogene Sofia Basin, Southwestern Bulgaria. In:- 15th International Sedimentological Congress, April 12-17 1998, Alicante, Spain, Abstracts, 834. Yaneva, M. 1998. Lacustrine carbonate sediments in Neogene Sofia Basin, Bulgaria. In: - XVI Congress Carpatian-Balkan Geological Association, August 30-September 2, Vienna, Austria, Abstracts, 643. Ivanov, P., Frangov, G., Yaneva, M. 1998. Distribution, composition and properties of Quaternary deposits in Sofia kettle . In: - XVI Congress Carpatian-Balkan Geological Association, August 30-September 2, Vienna, Austria, Abstracts, 328. Ivanov, P., Frangov, G., Yaneva, M. 1998. Engineering geological characteristics of Quaternary sediments in Sofia Graben. In: - Proc. Tird Work Group Meeting "Expert assessment of land subsidence related to hydrogeolodical and engineering geological conditions in the regions of Sofia, Skopje and Tirana", Dec. 2-5, 1998, Sofia, 29-32. Yaneva, M. 1998. Neogene limestones from Sofia Basin, SW Bulgaria. - C.R. Acad. bulg. Sci., 51, 11-12, 77-80. 1997 Yaneva, M. 1997. Neogene fine-grained clastic sediments from borehole C-2 Kremikovtzi, Sofia Basin. -Rev. Bulg. Geol. Soc., 58, 3, 189-196. (in Bulgarian, English abstract). 1993 Gribneva, D., Yaneva, M. 1993. An attempt at quantitative valuation of postdiagenetic changes of Jurassic sandstones and siltstones from StrandzaMountain Region (Zvezdetz, Evrenozovo, Bliznak) - Rev. Bulg. Geol. Soc., 54,2, 109-111 (in Bulgarian, English abstract). Last Update: October 25, 2012 Return to: Personnel list