Dr. Konstantin Kostov
Associate Professor, Ph.D.
Laboratory of Seismotectonics,
Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Acad.G.Bonchev Str.,Bl.24,1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
phone: (+0359 2) 979 3616 ; (+0359 2) 872 3076
fax: (+0359 2) 724 638
- B.Sc. Geography; Sofia University "St Kliment Ohridsky"
Faculty of Geology and Geography, Department of Physical Geography, 1990 - 1994.
- M.Sc., Physical Geography & Geomorphology; 1994 - 1995
- Thesis: "Karst morphology in Bazovski Part of Vratsa Mtn,>/i>
West Stara Planina Mts.,West Bulgaria".
- Ph.D., 2008. Geological Institute of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
- Thesis: “Indices of Paleoseismicity in Karst Terrains”;