Participation in international congresses
and symposia:
IGCP project 262 meeting in Elena, Bulgaria - 1987
IGCP project 262 meeting in Tbilisi, Georgia, 1988
IV-th International Nannoplankton Association (INA) Conference, Prague, 1991
V-th INA Conference in Salamanca, Spain, 1993
XVI-th Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association Congress, Vienna, 1998
VIII-th INA Conference, Bremen, Germany,(
Oral presentation) September 2000
IX -th INA Conference, Parma, Italy, 2002
X-th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece, Thessaloniki,
Greece, 2004
Climate and Biota of the Early Paleogene 2006 - Bilbao, Spain, June 2006
Climate and Biota of the Early Paleogene 2009 - Wellington, New Zealand, January 2009
18-th Congress of CBGA, Belgrade, September 2006
“Geosciences 2006”
“Geosciences 2007”
“Geosciences 2008”
“Geosciences 2009”
INA 12 Meeting, 6-13 September 2008, Lyon, France - link (
- Stoykova, K. 2008. Paleocene-Lower Eocene calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of Bulgaria. - Journal of Nannofossil research, INA 12 Abstracts, 110-111, ISSN 1210-8049, Cambridge Univ. Press, UK.
- Stoykova, K., M. Ivanov. 2008. Paleocene hyperthetmal events evidenced by calcareous nannofossils in Bulgarian sections. - Journal of Nannofossil research, INA 12 Abstracts, 112-113, ISSN 1210-8049, Cambridge Univ. Press, UK.
EGU General Assembly, 2009 - Vienna, Austria, April 2009
12-th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece - Patras, Greece, May 2010
EARTHTIME-EU - “A road map to the next Geological Time Scale” Workshop, Barcelona, 24-25 February 2011, Chair of Session 4 “Late Cretaceous-Neogene interbasinal correlations”,
"Geosciences 2010"
Organiser and host of the Workshop "Plankton biostratigraphy - An EARTHTIME-EU initiative of critical evaluation of biohorizons and biozonations of the last 100 Ma", Varna, October 3th to 7th 2011, in the frame of the project EARTHTIME-EU ESF RNP.
Organiser and host of the 7th Workshop on the Jurassic-Cretaceous Boundary, (International Subcommission on Cretaceous Stratigraphy, IUGS Commission on Stratigraphy) Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Science, October 25th to 28th, 2011.
Participant in the Workshop of the Berriasian WG, 26-27 October 2012, Prague, Czech Republic (oral talk).
Participant in STRATI 2013, July 1-7, Lisbon, Portugal. Dinares-Turell, J., V. Pujalte, K. Stoykova, J. Elorza. 2013. Extending back the Paleogene astronomical time scale: an integrated analysis of the Upper Maastrichtian strata in the Basque basin. (oral talk).
Participant in the Cretaceous Symposium, Ankara, September 1st-6th 2013, Ankara, Turkey. Dinares-Turell, J., J. Elorza, V. Pujalte, K. Stoykova. 2013. An integrated stratigraphy and orbital tuning of the Maastrichtian (Late Cretaceous) from the Basque Basin (W Pyrenees) and reapprisal of the Campanian/Maastrichtian boundary. (oral talk).
Participant in 14-th INA Conference, Reston, Washington DC, USA, 15-21 Sept. 2013. Stoykova, K., M. Ivanov, V. Idakieva. 2013 Calibration of calcareous nannofossils and ammonites bio-events across the J/K boundary: a case study from Bulgaria. (oral talk).
K. Stoykova, Dinares-Turell, J., V. Pujalte, J. Elorza. 2013. Integrated high-resolution nannofossil biostratigraphy and cyclo-magnetostratigraphy of the Upper Maastrichtian: correlation between the Bjala (Bulgaria) and Sopelana (Spain) sections. INA 14 Conference, Reston, Washington DC, USA, 15-21 Sept. 2013. (poster presentation).
Last update: 15 January 2014