List of selected publications:
- Evstatiev, D., D. Karastanev, R. Angelova, I. Jefferson. 2002. Improvement of collapsible loess soils from Eastern Europe: Lessons from Bulgaria. In: Proc. of the 4th Int. Conference on Ground Improvement Techniques, 26-28 March, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, vol. 1, 331-338.
- Jefferson, I.F., Klukanova A., Evstatiev D., Angelova R. & Smalley, I.J. 2000. Improving Collapsible Loess Soils. In: Proc. of GeoEng 2000 (joint ISSMGE, ISRM & IAEG), Int. Conf. on Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Australia, CD rom.
- Evstatiev, D., R. Angelova, J. Evlogiev,. 2000. Characteristics of loess as host media for radioactive waste disposal.- In: Proc. of the 8th Int. IAEG Congress, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 21-25 September,1998, Balkema/Rotterdam, vol. VI, 4537-4544.
- Jefferson, I., D. Evstatiev, R. Angelova, I. Smalley. 1998. Improvement of Loess Soils in North-West Bulgaria for Radioactive Waste Disposal.- In: Proc. of 2nd Int. Coference on Ground Improvement Techniques, Singapore, October 7-9, 207-212, ISBN 981-04-0234-1.
- Evstatiev, B. Vachev, R. Angelova, D. Karastanev. 1998. System analysis for low and intermediate level radioactive waste repository. - Rev. of Bulg. Geol. Soc., vol. 59, part 1, p. 83-91.
- Angelova, R. 1997. Effect of some chemical additives on the strength development of soil-cement.- In: Proc. of the Int. Conf. on the Implications of ground chemistry and microbiology for construction. IGCC 92, Bristol, UK, June 29 - July 1, 1992, Balkema/Rotterdam, 147-159.
- Todorov, K., D. Evstatiev, R. Angelova.1997. Industrial waste storage in Bulgaria. - In: Proc. of Int. Symp. on Eng. Geol. and Environment, Athens, Greece, 23-27 June,, 2225-2228.
- Evstatiev, D., R. Angelova.1997. Preliminary options for radioactive waste disposal in Bulgaria. - In: Proc. of Int. Symp. on Eng. Geol. and Environment, Athens, Greece, 23-27 June, 1823-1828.
- Evstatiev, D., R. Angelova, D. Karastanev. 1995. Stabilization of Weak Railway Embankment by Lime Columns and Soil-Lime Cushion.- In: Proc. of 10th Danube-European Conf. on SMFE “Geotechnical Engineering for Transportation Systems and Environmental Protection”, Vol.1, Mamaia, Romania, 12-15 Sept.,Techn. University of Civil Eng. of Bucharest, 75-80.
- Evstatiev, D., P. Petrov, R. Angelova, D. Karastanev. 1994. Geoenvironmental assessment of radioactive waste repository. In: Proc. of the 7th Int. IAEG Congress, Lisboa, Portugal, 5-9 September, Balkema/Rotterdam,vol. IV, 2403-2410.
- Angelova, R. 1994. Hazard of radioactive waste impact.- In: Geological Hazards in Bulgaria. Explanatory text to the Map in scale 1:500 000. Publ. House of BAS, Sofia, 85-86 (in Bulg.).
- Evstatiev, D., R. Angelova (Eds.).1993. Cementation of Rocks and Soils. Publ. House of BAS, Sofia, 206 pp (in Bulg.).
- Angelova, R., D. Evstatiev. 1990. Strength gain stages of soil-cement.- In: Proc. of the 6th Int. IAEG Congress, Amsterdam, 6-10 August, Balkema/Rotterdam, 3147-3154.
- Ŕngelova, R., D. Evstatiev. 1985. On the development of strength in cement-soils.- Engineering Geology, 1, Moscow, 64-75 (in Rus.).
- Anguelov, K., R. Angelova, A. Lakov. 1983. Structural changes in shear zones and slide planes of clays with different types of structural bonds.- Bull. of IAEG, N 28, Paris, 273-278.
Last update: 22. 11. 2005