List of Poster Presentation:
1. Karadjov M., I.Karadjova (1989). New sample preparation for chemical X-ray fluorescent analysis. XXVI Colloquium spectroscopicum internationale - Sofia '89.,vol.III,12p.
1.Bulgarian Pat. No 29609/25.10.1979 Mixing mechanism. Nikolov and Karadjov.
Last update: 25 November 2016
1. Mladenov M., M. Karadjov, B. Banov (1984). Achievements by the production of the battery Li/SO2. Corrosion and operating problems. , Book of articles from the BNA’s conference in Sofia-21.09.1984.
2. Mladenov M., W. Manev, M. Karadjov, A. Nasalevska (1984). Cardinal characteristics of the battery Li/SO2. , Book of articles from the BNA’s conference in Sofia-21.09.1984.
3. Karadjov M. (1988). Concentration and X-ray-fluorescent analysis of yttrium in silicate rocks.- Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences .vol. 41, 6, 59-61.
4. Karadjov M. (1991). Evaluation of cluster classification of geochemical data concerning the Borovitsa volcanic rocks, Eastern Rhodopes. - Geochem.,Miner. and Petrol.(Sofia), 27,108-115.
5. Karadjov M.,V.Simeonov (1990). Interpretation of Geochemical Data by the Use of Multivariate Data Analysis. - Mikrochim. Acta [Wien], III, 191-199.
6. Simeonov V., G.Andreev, M.Karadjov (1993). Chemometrical interpretation of analytical data for vertical distribution of some chemical components in sea water. - Fresenius' J. of Anal. Chem., 345. 744-747.
7. Simeonov V., R.Tsifouridou, C.Samara, M.Karadjov, A.Andreev (1994) Chemometric Approach to Study Rain Composition from the Region of Thessaloniki, Greece. - Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, Vol. 46, 97-106.
8. Karadjova I., M. Karadjov (1998). ETAAS determination of Cd and Pb in plants. Fresenius' J. of Anal. Chem., 360. 246-251.
9. Karadjov M., I. Karadjova (1998). Crystal/groundmass partition coefficients of trace-elements in Borovitsa volcanic rocks. - Geochem., Mineral. and Petrol.(Sofia), 33, 91-98pp.
10. Karadjov, M., A. Andreev (1998). Calculation of mineral proportions and bulk distribution coefficients in rocks of Borovitsa volcanic area, Eastern Rhodopes. - Geochem., Mineral. and Petrol.(Sofia), 33, 99-111.
11. Karadjov M., Y. Yanev. (1998), Aplication of the principal component analysis for interpretation of the Borovitsa shoshonitic series evolution, Eastern Rhodopes. - Geochem., Mineral. and Petrol.(Sofia), 35, 79-92pp.
12. Ivanov I.P., Karadjov M., Kanasirski M. (1999). Ore paraganesis of the sulphides and oxides of the copper and iron as dependent on the sulphur concentration in the solutions and on the oxygen fugacity in the interval T=200-450oC and P=1 kbar. Transactions (Doklady) of the Russian Academy of Sciences/ Earth Science Sections, book 369, N 4, 511-513 .
13. Ivanov I. P., M. Karadzhov, M. Kanazirski. 1999. Quantitative analysis of the ore mineral parageneses in the system Fe-Cu-S-H2O-O2, open to sulfur and oxygen at 300-400oC and p = 1kbar. - Experiment in Geosciences, 8, 1, 44p. Institute of Experimental Mineralogy.
14. Karadjov, M., A. Andreev, M. Kanazirski. 1999. Connection between chemical composition, mineral composition and wallrock alteration in the copper - porphyry deposit Assarel (Bulgaria) - a result from the corespondent analysis. - Geochem., Mineral. and Petrol., 36, 93-102.
15. Iwanov I. P., M. Kanasirski, M. Karadjov. 2000. Sulphidic and oxidic parageneses of the iron and copper in the system Fe-Cu-S-H2O opened for the sulphur and oxygen, at T=400oC and P=1kbar. - Experiment in Geosciences 9, 1, 12 p. Institute of Experimental Mineralogy.
16. Êàíàçèðñêè, Ì. Ì. È. Ï Èâàíîâ, Ì. Ã. Êàðàäæîâ. (2000). Quantitative analysis of the ore mineral paragenesis in the Fe-Cu-S-O system at Ò = 400îÑ è Ð = kbar. -Geol. Balc., 33, 3.1-2, ÃÈ - ÁÀÍ, 61-64pp.
17 Karadjov M., N. Velichkova, G. Meersman (2002). Preliminary statistical treatment of the analytical data - base to the monitoring strategy by the study of the heavy metal pollution in waters from the Plovdiv region, Bulgaria. - Proceeding book of the 3rd Aegean Analytical Chemistry Days, Polihnitos, Lesvos, Greece. 2002. 165-167 pp.
18. Karadjov M. (2003). Phase diagram of the Fe-Cu-S-O system at Ò = 400îÑ è Ð = kbar, by the data from the computer modeling. - Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences .vol. 56, 8, 43-48pp.
19. Pentcheva E.N., Velitchkova N., Karadjov M., (2003) “Occurrence and Evolution of Heavy Metals and As Pollution in Waters and vegetables in Plovdiv - Assenovgrad area”, 3d Intern. Scientific Conference “Mine Producing, Geology and Environmental Protection, “Albena” (Bulgaria), 9-13.06.2003, Oral Presentation. Full text in Proceedings Book, p. 295-304.
20. Pentcheva E. N., R. Atanassova, M. Karadjov, G. Satchanska.(2004) “Experimental modelling of interphase and bacteria interactions in heavy metal and As polluted area”, 4th Intern. Scientific Conference “Mine Producing, Geology and Environmental Protection, “Albena” (Bulgaria), 14-18.06.2004, Oral Presentation. Full text in Proceedings Book, 417-430pp.
21. M. Karadjov, N. Velitchkova, E. N. Pentcheva and I. Petkov (2004). Heavy metal and As contamination of waters, soils and vegetables in KCM Smelter site - GIS mapping and monitoring, 4th Intern. Scientific Conference “Mine Producing, Geology and Environmental Protection, “Albena” (Bulgaria), 14-18.06. 2004, Oral Presentation. Full text in Proceedings Book.229-310pp.
22. Pentcheva E. N., N. Velitchkova, R. Atanassova, A. Benderev, M. Karadjov, (2004). Migration ability of heavy metals and as in water-soil system in metallurgical region, Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Water-Rock International WIR 11, 27 June - 2 July 2004, Saratoga Springs New York, USA, Edited by R.B. Wanty, R.R. Seal, A.A. BALCHEMA PUBLISHERS (2004) 1609-1617pp.
23. Pentcheva Elka N., Metodi G. Karadjov, Nikolaya S. Velitchkova. (2005). Water - soil interaction - a source of secondary heavy metal and As pollution and of possible geochemical barrier in Pb - Zn smelter area, Proceeding book ECOLOGY 2005, Vol. III, Part 2, Burgas June 2005, 162-168pp.
24. Vera I. Slaveykova, Irina B. Karadjova, Metody Karadjov, Dimiter L. Tsalev,(2009). Trace metal speciation and bioavailability in surface waters of the Black Sea coastal area evaluated by HF- PLM and DGT, Environmental Science&Technology (2009), 43, pp1798-1803;
25. Yanev, Y., Boev, B., Iliev, Tz., Pecskay, Z., Karadjov, M., Boev, I. (2010). Mineralogy of the Pliocene trachyte and its carbonatitic minette inclusions in Ostrvica, FYRO Macedonia. Scientific Annals of the School of Geology. Proceedings XIX Congress of CBGA. Special vol. 100. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Sciences, 287-295.
26. Dakova, Ivanka , Vasileva, Penka , Karadjova, Irina , Karadjov, Metody and Slaveykova, Vera (2011). 'Solid phase extraction and diffusive gradients in thin films techniques for determination of total and labile concentrations of Cd(II), Cu(II), Ni(II) and Pb(II) in Black Sea water', International Journal of Environmental Analy-tical Chemistry, 91: 1, 62-73; link to Article: DOI: 10.1080/03067310903195011, Print ISSN: 0306-7319, Online ISSN: 1029-0397, 2010 Impact Factor: 1.169
27. Elisaveta Mladenova, Ivanka Dakova, Irina Karadjova,
28. R. Georgieva, E. Ivanova1, J. Jordanov, M. Karadjov and A. Detcheva (2013) Total reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis of trace elements in Bulgarian bottled mineral waters of low and high mineral content, ,International Journal of EnvironmentalAnalytical Chemistry, vol.93, No.10, p. 1043-1051 DOI:10.1080/03067319.2013.775277 ISSN 0306-7319; IF=1.162/2011
29. Stoyanova, E.V.
30. Irina B. Karadjova, Penka Vasileva, Tanya V. Yordanova, Metody G. Karadjov. (2013), Silver/Gold nanoparticles grafted on silica submicrospheres - promising sorbents for mercury speciation in surface waters. Published ICOEST Conf. 2013 (Special Issue-1) Journal Of Selcuk University Natural and Applied Science.
31. Detcheva, A., Velinova, R., Ivanova, E., Jordanov, J., Karadjov, M.. (2014) "Colouration of Mediaeval Glass Bracelets Studied by Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence Analysis". Comptes Rendus de L'Academie Bulgare des Sciences,vol 67 (6), pp. 769-776.
32. R. H. Georgieva, A. K. Detcheva, M. G. Karadjov, S. E. Mitsiev, J. H. Jordanov, Å. H. Ivanova. (2014 ) Determination of the trace element content in Bulgarian bottled potable waters by total reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis. has been recommended by the referees and is accepted for publication in the journal "Bulgarian Chemical Communications" 2014, Vol. 46, Number 4, pp. 840 - 844
33. Albena K. Detcheva
34. I. G. Dakova, V. A. Dakov, M. Karadjov, I. B. Karadjova. (2015), Cu(II)-imprinted copolymer microparticles: effect of the porogen solvents on particle size, morphology and sorption efficiency., Bulgarian Chemical Communications, Vol. 47, No 1 (pp. 296-302) ISSN: 0324-1130, I F: 0.349
35. Ñâ, Ìèöèåâ, Þ. Éîðäàíîâ è Ì, Êàðàäæîâ (2016 in press) „Determination of rhenium in molybdenum concentrates by slurry-sampling TXRF. Comptes Rendus de L'Academie Bulgare des Sciences
36. Karadjov, M., Velitchkova, N., Veleva, O., Velichkov, S., Markov, P., Daskalova, N. (2016) Spectral interferences in the determination of rhenium in molybdenum and copper concentrates by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES)., Spectrochimica Acta - Part B Atomic Spectroscopy, Vol. 119, pp. 76-82
2. Karadjov M. G., I. P. Iwanov. (2000). Digital study of the gold solubility in water solutions depending on the oxygen and sulphur fugacity at T = 300oC and 400oC and P = 1kbar. - Poster session of the ABCD - GEODE 2000 Workshop in Borovetz, Bulgaria, 26-29 may 2000.
3. M. Karadjov, J. Tsvetkovic, T. Stafilov (2002). Multivariate classification of wines from some wine producing regions in Macedonia. - 5th European Furnace Symposium and 10th International Solid Sampling Colloquium with Atomic Spectroscopy, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria - 2002. Poster presentation, P 53.
4. Karadjov M., Velitchkova N., Pentcheva E.N. (2003). “Vegetables and soil analytical investigations in the Pb-Zn metallurgy polluted area - Plovdiv Assenovgrad”, 2nd BSBAC Conference and Workshop, Sile-Istanbul, Turkey, 12-17.09.2003. Poster Presentation. Abstract published.
5. Velitchkova N., Karadjov M., Pentcheva E.N., Daskalova N. (2003) “Application of ICP - AES for high dissolved salts analysis, tools and methods”, Intern. Conference “Scientific and Policy Challenges in Marine Environment”, “Albena” Bulgaria, 12-18.10.2003. Poster Presentation. Abstract Published.
6. Pentcheva E. N., Velitchkova N., Atanassova R., Benderev A., Karadjov M.(2004) “Migration ability of heavy metals and As in water - soil system in contaminated industrial region”, 11th Intern. Symposium on Water-Rock Interaction, Saratoga Springs, USA, 27.06-.07.2004. Poster presentation.
7. Pentcheva E. N., Velitchkova N., Atanassova R, Karadjov,M. (2004). “Water-Soil interaction in metallurgy contaminated area as a source of secondary heavy metal and As pollution”, 11th international Conference on Solubility Phenomena Aviero, Portugal 25-29.07.2004, Poster presentation, P 104.
8 Kosev P., E. Stankovska, M. Karadjov, I. Karadjova, T. Stafilov (2007), Mineral Content and Botanical/Geographical Origin of Honey. 4th Black Sea Basin Conference on Analytical Chemistry BBCAC, 19-23 Sept.2007, Sunny Beach, Bulgaria. Abstract Published P146.
9. Karadjova I., M. Karadjov (2008), ICP-AES and ETAAS in the determination of As, Cd and Pb in fish tissue solubilizat/slurry. European Symposium on Atomic Spectroscopy (ESAS 08), 28.09-01.10.2008, Weimar, Germany. Abstract Published P 15.
10. Karadjova I., I. Dakova, M. Karadjov, V. Georgieva, G. Georgiev, (2008), New sorbent for solid phase extraction and ICP-AES or ICP-MS determination of trace elements in aquatic system. International Conference “6-th Aegean Analytical Chemistry Days”, 9-12. 10. 2008, Pamukkale, Turkey. Abstract Published P 413.
11. G. Dakova, V. Dakov, I. Karadjova, M. Karadjov (2010), Trace metal speciation in Black sea waters evaluated by chitozan membranes and DGT., Presented at The 36th ISEAC International Symposium on Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Rome October 5th-9th 2010, Ð 5
12. M. Mladenov, M. Karadjov, J. Jordanov (2011), Possibilities for analysis of waste wood ash with total X-ray fluorescence analysis., Presented at The 16th European Conference on Analytical Chemistry “Challenges in Modern Analytical Chemistry” - EUROanalysis 2011, Congress center SAVA, Belgrade, Serbia September 12th-15th 2011, Session B, AM 03.
13. I. Karadjova, V. Slaveykova, M. Karadjov, D. Tsalev, (2011) Linking Black Sea Water Chemistry to Toxic Trace Metals Speciation and to Toxicity Toward Sea Water Microalgae. 13th EuCheMS International Conference of Chemistry and the Environment, ICCE 2011, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 11-15 Sept. 2011
14. I. Dakova, I. Karadjova, M. Karadjov, V. Dakov(2011) Trace mikroelement content in edible fish from Bulgarian Black sea coast., V International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis(RAFA) 2011, Prague, Czech Republic 01 - 04.11.
15. Ralitsa Velinova, Albena Detcheva, Methody Karadjov, Juri Jordanov and Elisaveta Ivanova (2013) Total reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis of trace elements in Bulgarian bottled mineral waters of low and high mineral content. Colloquium with Analytische Atomspectroscopie CANAS 2013, 17-19.03.2013, Freiberg, Germany. Abstract Published Mo xx.
16. M. Karadjov, P. Markov, O.Veleva, S. Velichkov and N. Daskalova (2013) Present state in the determinatiom of rhenium by a high resolution radial inductively coupled plasma optical eission spectrometry (ICP-OES). Colloquium with Analytische Atomspectroscopie CANAS 2013, 17-19.03.2013, Freiberg, Germany. Abstract Published Mo 08.
17. P. Vasileva, T. Yordanova, I. Karadjova, M. Karadjov, „Silver/Gold nanoparticles grafted on silica submicrospheres - promising sorbents for mercury speciation in surface waters”, International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, (18 - 21 June 2013), Urgup, Nevsehir, Turkey.
18. Ekaterina Stoyanova, Irina Karadjova, Methody Karadjov, Neli Koseva, “Characterization of polymeric system for cisplatin delivery - analytical methods for Pt determination”, The XVII European Conference on Analytical Chemistry - EuroAnalysis, (25 - 29 August 2013), Warsaw, Poland.
19. I. Karadjova, V. Slaveykova, M. Karadjov, “Linking water chemistry to metal speciation and risk assessment - analytical challenges” 6thBLACK SEA BASIN CONFERENCE On ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, (10-14 September 2013), Trabzon, Turkey
20. A. Detcheva, S. Mitsiev, P. Vassileva, M. Karadjov, J. Jordanov, E. Ivanova. Feasibility of TXRF for characterization of fly ashes from Bulgarian coal-burned power plants, ACM2 seminar with international participation : “Modern methods for analysis and control of food and environment”. Plovdiv, May 21, 2014
21. G. Gentscheva, K. Baceva, M. Dimitrova, A. Predoeva, K. Nikolova, I. Aleksieva, M. Karadjov, Trace elements content in SEMPERVIVUM TECTORUM L. from Bulgaria, XXIII Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia with International Participation, 8-11 October 2014, Ohrid, R. Macedonia, Book of Abstracts, EN021, p. 131.
22. Lyubomir Djerahov, Katerina Baceva, Olga Veleva, Petya Dimitrova, Metody Karadjov, ANALYTICAL ATOMIC SPECTROMETRY FOR THE DETERMINATION OF CHEMICAL ELEMENTS IN SURFACE WATERS, 7th Black Sea Basin Conference on Analytical Chemistry, 10-15 September 2015, Golden Sands, Bulgaria, Book of Abstracts P27. p. 131.
24. Irina KARADJOVA, Olga VELEVA, Metody KARADJOV, Trajce STAFILOV, Penka VASSILEVA, Silver Nanoparticles - Efficient Sorbent for Trace Elements Determination by Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence. International Conference: 10th AACD 2016 (29 Sept-2 Oct) Canakkale. P3-44
25. Irina KARADJOVA, Tsvetomil VOYSLALOV, Elisaveta MLADENOVA, Metody KARADJOV, Self-Organizing Maps as a Tool for Classification of Different Kinds of Bulgarian Monofloral Honey. International Conference: 10th AACD 2016 (29 Sept-2 Oct) Canakkale. P3-45
2.Bulgarian Pat. No 55449/18.02.1982 Nozzle for lithium extrusion. Hamparzumjan, Mladenov, Welev and
3.Bulgarian Pat. No 66755/03.08.1984 Glass composition for solder molybdenum - glass - cover. Samuneva,
Ljakov, Djambaski, Mladenov, Karadjov and Karaivanov.
4.Bulgarian Pat. No 82861/28.09.1988 Heavy metals collector in organic solutions and method for thin
polymer film preparation from the collector at the X-ray analysis.Karadjov.