Participation in international projects and MSE in Bulgaria:
Participation in the UNESCO Projects:
IGCP Project 271. South American Paleozoic Conodontology. 1990
IGCP Project 351 Early Paleozoic Evolution in NW Gondwana. 1995-1998
IGCP Project 421 North Gondwanan Mid-Palaezoic bioevent/biogeography patterns in relation to crustal dynamics. 1998 -2001
IGCP Project 497 The Rheic Ocean: Its Origin, Evolution and Correlatives 2004-2008
IGCP Project 499 Devonian Land-Sea Interaction:Evolution of Ecosystems and Climate 2004-2008
Participation in projects, supported by the Bulgarian Ministry of Science and Education:
Project (1990-1993) - NZ 15/90 “Geological evolution of the Bulgaria and Balkan peninsula during Early Phanerozoic.”
Project (1993-1996) NZ 204/93 “Paleogeodynamical and geological evolution during Mesozoic and Tertiary”.
Project (1994-1997) NZ 425/94 “Peculiarities and evolution of the ophiolit - islandarc ensembles in the ancient blocks of the Balkan peninsula basement”.
Project (1996-1999) NZ 602/96 “Early Palaeozoic terranes in Bulgaria of the frame of the Northwest Gondwana evolution. ”
Project (1994-1997) NZ 425/94“Stratigraphical and tectonical correlations between SW Bulgaria and neighbouring lands. ”
Head of the project (1998-2002) NZ 801/98 “Possibility for determination of the paleotemperatures in the Paleozoic sediments by conodont colour indeces - CAI method”
Project (2004-2007) NZ 14/04 Pre-Variscan Paleozoic rocks in the Kraishte zone: biostratigraphy, correlations, paleogeography
Project (2004-2007) NZ 14/02 Correlations of the startigraphic, tectonic and methamorphic events in the Paleozoic terranes from Southeastern Bulgaria: Stara Planina Zone- Central and Western Stara Planina mountain and from Southwestern Bulgaria : Kraishte